
h3 TITLE h3

The typographic scale is based on two LESS variables in variables.less: @baseFontSize and @baseLineHeight. The first is the base font-size used throughout and the second is the base line-height. We use those variables and some simple math to create the margins, paddings, and line-heights of all our type and more. Customize them and Bootstrap adapts.



h1. Heading 1

h2. Heading 2

h3. Heading 3

h4. Heading 4

h5. Heading 5
h6. Heading 6

I was made to realize that I am responsible for letting the world know about my work. It is up to them to interact with it; if I do not share it, if I don’t put it out there, then no one even has a choice of whether or not they want to read it.